90 Day Journey – End of Week 2

90 Day Plan - Week 2

That is what this 90 Days is about – Some new direction.
Now I am not trashing my previous life, or how I did things, the reality I have done really well all in all. I like who I am, I think most people like who I am… Right? Right…?

This is more about life changes, fixing, tweeking, rounding corners, sharpening edges as needed, minor course correction on things.
My basic goals:
* Get into better shape
* Increase my income, adding at least an extra $20K in 2024, and $30K in 2025
* Sharpen some skills, become a better leader
* Learn some new skills (that will lead to the added income)
* Get my Soul right, align my life with who God designed me to be
* Get my Heart right, I want marriage and (God Willing) kids

This week (Week 2) was about really getting use to the plan, getting comfortable with 4am, really dialing in the work outs and readings, working on ways to simplify meals (as I find in the morning I quickly run out of time).

The week was a success, energy is starting to roll up from the morning and evening work outs, so while 4am sucks, it does not suck near as bad as it did last week, and I feel it will get easier and easier the next couple weeks.

Going into Week 3 I will increase the Peloton in the AM to 15 to 20 work outs, along with my 7-10 minute morning work out routine (thus the need for quicker/easier breakfasts as I was already jammed for time, and now I am adding 5 to 10 mins to the work out period)

I have made a few dietary changes this first two weeks.
First, alcohol consumption is way down. I was averaging about a bottle of wine per day plus wine tasting most weekends. Week 1 I did not drink until my Wine Event on Saturday 11th, Week 2 was only two bottles all week. Week 3 will likely stay at 2-3 bottles. I expect this becomes the new norm, 2-3 bottles a week.
Second, Fruits and Veggies. I have always done a decent amount of veggies I feel. A lot of asparagus and cauliflower. I have added salads almost every day, and some greens like kale or collard greens a couple times per week. Fruit I have stepped up a lot. Pineapple, cantaloupe, honey dew, almost every day at breakfast and sometimes dinner or a snack.
Third working on portion size a little. Making sure I get what I need, but not over doing it.
Forth, I have cut energy drink consumption in half as compared to my last 20 years of life. I substituted Wheat Grass and Matcha powder for the morning energy drink, but those are definitely better than an energy drink, mixing them with OJ is a little on the sugary side, but worth it.

Over all not a lot of noticeable changes body wise. My hope/desire is the small gut I have being gone sometime soon (the “dad bod”). I do feel my chest has started to gain shape. Weight wise I started at 203lb, I am 200 most weigh ins. 3lb is really a rounding error/when I eat/when I hit the bathroom. So not a change in my mind. In my perfect world I would get down to 195ish without the spare tire.

Faith wise, I am in the Book of Matthew. Calling Jesus, my daily devotional, starts my day, the Bible and The Light of His Presence (prayer book) ends the day. I will blog on those learnings in a different post.

Progress is good. I am happy with the efforts I have put forth, as my buddy DCT said on a FB post, he does not want to see “Crushing It” shout outs until day “39 or 63” so I will not say that here. But I do feel very good about where I am at.

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure! www.thecasualchef.net

2 thoughts on “90 Day Journey – End of Week 2”

  1. Yet, you are crushing it. I love the many facets of review and assessment. I am glad the early mornings are working for you. I find that they are beneficial as well.

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