90 Day Journey – End of Week 7

Staring to get comfortable with my Daily Update vlogs, still need a lot of work on them though. But feeling good about them.
That is step one into the longer format videos I want to do.
Did a couple of food ones also, with the Shrimp and Grits one hitting almost 15K views on the TikTok so that was nice.

This week was filled with some time challenges, I did not get as much done as I wanted, but still a lot. Work outs are going well. Core is three days a week, peddling is 5-7 days and then arms, chest & back and legs are one day each.
I am hoping some Ab’s start to show soon.

Garage is coming along, need to finish it this week. Then Master Bathroom demo needs to start this coming weekend.

May is shaping up to be a BUSY month with a major wine tasting the first weekend and then Las Vegas the 2nd weekend.

Short post this week, plus a day or two late. Will focus more on Week 8 results and thoughts.

Thanks all!

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure! www.thecasualchef.net