40 Days of Intentional Living – Surrender

Originally Read and Commented on 3.21.21

John 14:16-17
What parts of your life have you Surrendered to God? What parts have you held back?:
Surrender is my biggest challenge. I am not sure how to Surrender. On 3.23 I have a sit down with my Pastor to discuss this topic specifically.
I feel I have surrendered a bit, I have accepted Jesus, I have always believed, I pray daily (and have for years and years). But i cannot name individual things, or aspects. I need to learn to Surrender.
My friend PS tells me about it all the time. She sees so much potential in me, but I need to surrender. It is the biggest wall between us right now.
More to come on this…

[[4.13 Update]] Still a challenge. But I do know I have surrendered many things. I have sort of taken surrender for granted, without recognizing it. I am on the last two days of the 40 Days, and I have learned so much that as I read the day, I did not understand it, to now, I have accepted so much of these topics as the norm. I just never named them. With PS and I not together, and ending our relationship, I am leaning more and more on God, as I realize I need to surrender a lot of my drive to use intellect to solve issues. Something she and I have discussed a lot. This however is NOT the reason she and I were in each others lives, part of it maybe, but this is not it. I do need to surrender though. I am surrendering.

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure! www.thecasualchef.net