40 Days of Intentional Living – Fasting

Originally Read and Commented on 3.22.21

Matthew 6:16-18
If you have fasted in the past, how has it drawn you closer to God? What is something you cab fast from in this current season?:
This is something I need to work up to. PS has done Whole 30, and we discussed if we continue forward in our relationship, doing it as a couple. You give yo sugar, alcohol, and some other things. Two of my weaknesses.
She challenged me to 1 week of no Alc, and I added extra sugar. specific to candy and treats. I failed on the candy/treats front. So I started it again. Just short of two weeks no Alc, and one slip up on the treats. My reaction to this failure was a huge point of contention between PS and I, because of my reaction to the failure. I was so mad at myself for letting her down, and not following through, that I went against her, almost blaming her for my failure. I was so mad at myself for it.
Fasting is something I need to learn more about and do.

[[4.13 Update]] I am really bummed that I will not be doing Whole 30 with PS as a means of fasting in the future. We had plans for some things, dance lessons, Whole 30, other things. I am extremely sad about missing out on these things with her. I will find my own reasons to do these things. But the fun of doing this was to do them with her.

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure! www.thecasualchef.net