90 Day Journey – The Plan

As mentioned in the previous post, I need to make somethings right within me. Round some corners, maybe sharpen a couple of edges, be better with me, so that I can be better with someone else.
Get God Centered as well. I have been a regular Church go’er for about 20, 21, 22 years. I like Church, I always leave feeling better about life, myself, others, but I have not formed the habit of Prayer, Thanks, Praise that I want.

The next 90 days, starting on Monday March 6th 2023, will be a deep dive into myself, my health, my home, my Faith, my relationships.

The TV gets shut off for the most part, outings are cut down to only the “need to go to”, dating is out, reading is in, working out is in, cleaning my home and doing maintenance is in, eating better is in.

I will be getting up at 415am daily, maybe 6 on weekends, in bed by 9pm, targeting 7hrs minimum sleep, which for me will be a lot, as I am lucky to actually sleep much more than 5ish hours a night. Hoping I am sync up my body clock and get the sleep needed.

The books for this 90 Days are split into two groups. The ones standing up (Bible, Jesus Calling, The Light of His Presence, and the two small Maxwell Books) will be daily reading throughout the day. The ones laying down (Change Your Life in 7 Days, Before the Coffee Gets Cold, Marriage Rules, Make Your Bed, Single On Purpose, Relationship Cure, The Four Agreements and Building Up One Another) will be the books I read through, about 20-30 pages per day.

The basic schedule:
Monday – Fridays
Morning – Up at 415am, Peloton 10-20 mins, Jesus Calling, Pray, Breakfast, Go to Work
Afternoon – At Work
Evening – Peloton (ride and/or body conditioning class 20-30 mins), Bible Study (reading New Test from front to back, one chapter a day), Read 20-30 pages from Book List, Dinner, One hour TV max, Light of His Presence, Pray, Bed by 9pm

Morning – Up by 6am, Peloton 10-20 mins, Jesus Calling, Pray, Breakfast, One Hour+ Home Maint/Cleaning
Afternoon – If I have an outing to do, do it, else Home Maint for an Additional One of Two Hours. Home by 3pm though
Evening – Bible Study (reading New Test from front to back, one chapter a day), Read 20-30 pages from Book List, Dinner, One hour TV max, Light of His Presence, Pray, Bed by 10pm

Morning – Up by 6am, Peloton 10-20 mins, Jesus Calling, Pray, Breakfast, Church
Afternoon – This is my “Free Day”, if you do not Rest after a week of hard work, what is the point?
Evening – Prep for the Week, Dinner, One hour TV max, Light of His Presence, Pray, Bed by 9pm

I will be writing and note taking as I do this, will blog it a couple times a week as well. I have a few TedTalks I cycle into this mix as well (so likely give up some TV for a TedTalk once week, luckily I do not watch a lot of TV unless there is nothing else to do.

I will be cutting my alcohol consumption significantly as well, starting with this week. The goal is 50% less on a daily basis. This week starting yesterday (Saturday 3/4) and until Saturday 3/11/23 when I have the Taste of Washington event, I will not drink this week at all, then cut by 50% the rest of the time.

Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones, become more well rounded, healthier, and get my mind and body right for whatever comes next in life. I have not given up the dream of marriage and kids, or moving to Italy part time by 2024, or any of that, just need to get somethings in order to make all of that happen.

For those reading this, please spread the word on my journey, better yet join me on it? If me doing something like this can help one other person get themselves “right” then BRAVO!
Thanks for the support in this.

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure! www.thecasualchef.net

One thought on “90 Day Journey – The Plan”

  1. Chris,

    I know You’ll crush this. I am glad you scheduled rest. I love your reading list. I am looking forward to your sojourn.

    If you have room in your reading for a different approach to your mind-a “sneaky” way to growth/perspective-check out any of Paulo Coelho’s books.

    Much love,


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