Move is done, Baby is almost here…

Its been a while. I use IG and FB, even TikTok, Lemon8 and Clapper, almost daily, but I never seem to get to here. I have to make this part of the weekly routine at least.
The move to Mill Creek is done. Baby is due end of January 2024.

SCARED TO DEATH about all of this.

At 54, I had more or less given up on the baby thing, as had Rebecca.
Reality is, its mostly on her. She has to carry it.
We are both happy, excited and scared.

Rebecca is reading baby related books none stop. I am casually reading them between Bible study, Calling Jesus, and a few other books.

42 weeks straight of Peloton work outs and 14 or 15 days in a row. Did a Shilajit experiment. Tried Alpha Brain (Joe Rogan’s supp). A few other things. Working on a Shilajit post (did it work? doesnt it work? stay tuned), as well a post discussing all of the things I have tried and ranking them in effectiveness, at least for me.
As if the first few months of 2024 were not going to be busy enough with the baby, I hope to start a Family Project. Pod cast style, recording the Anderson-Dickinson family history. Interviews with family members (have to figure out how to work the Canadian side into this as well).
I also want to do some wine related content, and food/cooking.

Get back into Day Trading as well.

Rebecca and Baby are the priority. The other things are “when I have time” LOL 2087 maybe? I dont know – I am pretty solid on schedule and time management though so I will figure it out in 2024.

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure!