40 Days of Intentional Living – Patience

Luke 2: 25-38
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:
29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss[a] your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31  which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.”
33 The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
36 There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, 37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.[b] She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. 38 Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

What are you currently Hoping or Waiting for? How can you keep moving forward in Patients as you wait on Gods timing?:
Selfishly I am Hoping and Waiting on my Forever. As already said in Hope and Waiting I am not good at this.
I need to trust that what I pray if coming but that I am Patient in Gods word and his timing to fulfill it.
To move forward I need to stay obedient to the Word and focus on the Word. His timing is His and it is what I need to accept and follow.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Waiting

[[Reposted and some updates on 4.12.21 as I turn these into individual blog posts]]

Psalm 27:13-14
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Write about a time of waiting and what you learned from it:
I have never really “waited”. What have I learned about Waiting by not doing it? That I need too.
I allow my head to get involved. I hear the first part of a message, then I reason my own way through it…Instead of listening to God or my Heart and Waiting for the whole message, I go to work on it with my Mind and problem solve it to get the rest of the message. I need to Wait. What is God trying to tell me? What am I missing?
“Waiting on the Lord isn’t for the faint of heart. While we can know deep in our heart that His timing is the best, that doesn’t make the waiting any easier.” Page 18 of 40 Days of Intentional Living says, and it is right. It is NOT EASY to Wait. As humans we want to go forward, we want to move. As someone who is very intelligent (or at least I think I am hah), why Wait when I can Reason out the rest of the message? Because I maybe wrong. Even if I am right, I did not wait, maybe there was a Blessing coming in the Waiting? And I missed it…
I need to learn Patients
I need to learn to Wait
I need to Listen and not act until I know what the Path or Message is
I have to work on this.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Hope

[[Reposted and some updates on 4.12.21 as I turn these into individual blog posts]]
Read Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

What does hope mean to me?
So first this book started out on a crazy cool note, they quote The Two Towers in it… Sam says ” Its only a passing thing, this shadow. Even the darkness must pass. A new say will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer.”
So for those that know me, I am a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan, so literally page 1 of this Faith Exercise quote LotR… SO what Faith book quotes Lord of the Rings? AMAZING!

So how has Hope carried me in the past? What part of my life do I need hope right now?
Hope is how I have lived in many ways. I believe Hope is self generated, its a gift from God, but he instills Hope in us, for us to use as we need. We all have the power of Hope, we just have to use it.
I hope to find my Forever.
I hope to be successful.
I hope to have the Time and Money to contribute to His Kingdom in a big way.
Hope keeps me positive and going. It helps me see the Good in things. Seeing Hope in myself and other things make it easy to get up in the morning and be confident in all that I do.

My Spiritual Journey…

[[Reposted and some updates on 4.12.21 as I turn these into individual blog posts]]
I have always believed. As a kid I rarely went to Church, unless friends invited me and it was donut day or something. As a family we did not go to Church except for wedding and funerals. My father grew up going to Church as a kid, I feel that my Mother did also, but I cannot say I have actually had that conversation with her, I believe she went in college as part of her sorority activities… (?) But as a family we never went.
In 2000/2001 I decided to start going at the age of 30ish. After my cousin’s bday part, a long day and night of drinking (which I actually barely drank anything at the party, unusual for me back then), a girl friend and I got into a fight about if she was driving home or not. She was using a truck that my parents owned, so in addition to not wanting her to drive drunk, I also did not want my parents on the hook should something happen and it be their vehicle. I got arrested that night, a charge that was later dropped, no penalty at all. But I spent about 40 hours in King County because of when I was arrested and then when morning court was based on my arrest date.
That weekend, that fight that lead ultimately to a break up, I decided I needed to do something at least a little different.
A friend of mine who I did some gaming with (D&D to be specific), MA, and I often talked about God and Faith, he had invited me to Church on multiple occasions over the previous couple of years, a week or two later I started to go.
Over the last 20 years, I have gone off and on, usually in couple of year stretches, then a year or two off, and back again., and so on.
The last two or three years (2018-2020), I have not been going.
It is time again…
I pray on a regular basis, often multiple times per day, but I have been part of Fellowship for a few years, and even when I went on a regular basis to Church, I was not part of regular Fellowship since moving from Federal Way Nazarene to Marysville Nazarene (now Generations Church).

This is FOR ME. Why am I putting on my quasi business website that involves cooking, wine and travel? Because I do not have another outlet, and I do not want to set up another one up. Plus this is ME.

40 Days of Intentional Living
I will be working through the book “40 Days of Intentional Living, a challenge to cultivate faith” Target has it on sale for 30% off right now, so def check it out.
My goal is post a couple times per week about this journey.
Please join me on this! Find this book. Do the 40 Days. Lets get inspired and move our Faith Lives forward.

–Chris Anderson “The Casual Chef”

My Spiritual Journey

My Spiritual Journey

While the main purpose of this site if for food, wine and travel. I am also happy and eager to share my personal journey of Faith. The posted link takes you to my page about the specific journey through the book “40 Days of Intentional Living” and the blog posts I make (like this very post) will be my journey outside of that study guide.

These posts and the Spiritual Journey page is for me… I am writing this for me, to record my journey. I do hope some one else gets inspired by this and goes on a similar journey. I am very open to discussing my journey, so please do not hesitate to email me or get at me.


Spring 2021…

As we move into Spring, I am looking forward to getting back out to the wineries. I have been very active on my IG (see the side bar), but I have not been that inspired to post here. As things loosen up, as wineries reopen, as releases happen, I plan to be there.

Tasting through Woodinville is still the goal, year after year, and I will get back on track.

I have added a new section to my journey, a spiritual one, if you are at all Spiritual, check it out. Its my journey through a specific period.

Lets get back out to the wineries to taste and have some fun in 2021!

COVID-19 and Wine Tasting…

What an insane few weeks and likely another month or two. So Wine Tasting rooms are closed, that is putting a dent in my “Hit Them All” quest in Woodinville.

Hit Them All was going great. I had completed Artisan Hill, and was moving to the top of the Warehouse District. I will try and post my Artisan Hill highlights in a bit.

My day job is deemed an essential service, but the weekend trips to the Wine country obviously on hold. LUCKILY I was pretty stocked up. So the tasting at some level has continued.
Pulling out some older bottles that I had not got too yet, like the 2013 Roza Hills Cab’s, a six bottle collection. Five bottles are each from a different block in the same vineyard, and the sixth is a blend of those five. So far GREAT wines.
I also have a Kevin White vert I will get into in a week or so.
Had some Van Camp older bottled that Jim and I did some trades on, I drank though, maybe have one bottle left. Just had the 2015 Cab, was very solid.
I have a lot of older Efeste Big Papa and Tough Guy… Cannot wait for those.

Will be trying all of those as this lock down goes on, so I will def be on the hunt for new wines when we are able to get back out!

Check my Instagram for daily wine posts. Hit me up with questions and comments on there. There is a link and side bar to the right of this post!

What are you trying right now?
What has been tasting good?
Any good food to go with it?

Stay safe! Drink Wine!

Snohomish Wine Walk 9.14.19

Had a great night at the Snohomish Wine Walk last night pouring with Jim VanCamp from https://www.vancampcellars.com/

It was a last minute addition for me, so I was not prepared to even go to the Walk. We stopped by VanCamp to have a glass and he was packing up to go, so I asked if he needed help… he did, so I poured with him.

Met a ton of people, talked about wine with everyone. Had a lot of fun.

Next time I will try and make sure I have cards to give out so we can do Winery Meetups in the future!

THANK YOU Jim for letting me help you!

Hit Them All Quest in Woodinville Wine Country

So I have said for about 4 years now that I hit every winery in Woodinville atleast once per year… Likely true, or 95% true ?

I am sure I have missed someone in this Hit Them All quest.

So I started a new quest (modified quest) in July 2019. I picked a Wine District, picked a starting point and am systematically working through Woodinville, logging every winery as I do it. Hoping to set up my own interactive map of the areas so that wineries could be clicked on taking you to my write up and links to their pages, or something. Still a lot to work out on how I do that.

What I will have, eventually, is my tasting notes and thoughts about the wineries. I have hit about 20 so far, trying to do 3-5 a weekend, at least 10 a month, but as winter comes, I will step it up.

So I started with Artisan Hill at the bottom and am currently working up the hill. This weekend, I made it to the main complex in Artisan Hill, the top of the hill. How to work through those. After that, Warehouse is next, satrting at the bottom of the hill and working up.

That is my plan, my Quest for Woodinville in 2019/2020 – Make sure I Hit Them All.

What are your favourite wineries in Woodinville? Lets connect and hit some together!