My Spiritual Journey…

[[Reposted and some updates on 4.12.21 as I turn these into individual blog posts]]
I have always believed. As a kid I rarely went to Church, unless friends invited me and it was donut day or something. As a family we did not go to Church except for wedding and funerals. My father grew up going to Church as a kid, I feel that my Mother did also, but I cannot say I have actually had that conversation with her, I believe she went in college as part of her sorority activities… (?) But as a family we never went.
In 2000/2001 I decided to start going at the age of 30ish. After my cousin’s bday part, a long day and night of drinking (which I actually barely drank anything at the party, unusual for me back then), a girl friend and I got into a fight about if she was driving home or not. She was using a truck that my parents owned, so in addition to not wanting her to drive drunk, I also did not want my parents on the hook should something happen and it be their vehicle. I got arrested that night, a charge that was later dropped, no penalty at all. But I spent about 40 hours in King County because of when I was arrested and then when morning court was based on my arrest date.
That weekend, that fight that lead ultimately to a break up, I decided I needed to do something at least a little different.
A friend of mine who I did some gaming with (D&D to be specific), MA, and I often talked about God and Faith, he had invited me to Church on multiple occasions over the previous couple of years, a week or two later I started to go.
Over the last 20 years, I have gone off and on, usually in couple of year stretches, then a year or two off, and back again., and so on.
The last two or three years (2018-2020), I have not been going.
It is time again…
I pray on a regular basis, often multiple times per day, but I have been part of Fellowship for a few years, and even when I went on a regular basis to Church, I was not part of regular Fellowship since moving from Federal Way Nazarene to Marysville Nazarene (now Generations Church).

This is FOR ME. Why am I putting on my quasi business website that involves cooking, wine and travel? Because I do not have another outlet, and I do not want to set up another one up. Plus this is ME.

40 Days of Intentional Living
I will be working through the book “40 Days of Intentional Living, a challenge to cultivate faith” Target has it on sale for 30% off right now, so def check it out.
My goal is post a couple times per week about this journey.
Please join me on this! Find this book. Do the 40 Days. Lets get inspired and move our Faith Lives forward.

–Chris Anderson “The Casual Chef”

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure!