See ya 2021, Welcome 2022. Time to refocus and get Purpose Driven

2021 provided me with a lot of options and some issues. I am not one to dwell on “issues” or problems, so I really want to focus on the options and positives.
Obviously Covid was a negative for all of us… that was really the big issue, things closed, or half open, access restricted in a lot of ways.

On the positive, I left my job to make a full time go at Day Trading, went from single to not single (after a couple tries at dating different people) and got my yard at the house finished, really started to get my cooking pictures on a different level (still needs work) and just took a lot of time off to get some things straight for myself.

In 2022 I need to continue to get focused and really dial myself in.
My Goals for 2022:
Peloton three or four times a week, and days I do not use the Peloton, do some strength/conditioning work.
Core52 focus, study and get back to Church on a more regular basis.
IG story things better and more often. Spread my content around into more regular posts.
Post on this site at least weekly, but two or three times a week really. Use IG for quick posts, and promote this site through my IG posts.
Get my Garage cleaned up. Its a legit mess. I need to throw a ton of stuff away.
Day Trading focus on $2000 a week income and build my Trading Account to double its current size, and then focus on $3000 a week income.

Then I have a couple personal things that I do not need to air out and posts, relationship things.

That is my 2022 Plan. I look forward to working on it and making it happen and having an extremely successful 2022.

What are your plans and goals for the year?

Author: casualchef

The Casual Chef I am Chris Anderson, the Casual Chef. I eat. I drink. I travel. Join me on an adventure!