Happy 82nd Birthday Dad, We miss you

It is Dad’s birthday today… Would have been 82. For those that know me (or have been following my posts here), know that we lost Dad Oct 23rd 2022, Legionella and Covid complications.
Dad was my hero. The most solid man I have ever known, and someone I aspire to live up too. He set the standard. Pure and simple.

The loss of Dad is massive, more than I can explain. It has affected me in ways I could not anticipate. My now ex, RS, even mentioned that at one point.
I think what it was is that I hyper focused on Life, and what I wanted, how I wanted to live, and brought into focus that life is not forever… it is finite and any minute it could end.
That I need to go get what I want!
How that affected me and RS, that is a different post. Much more lengthy, and not just Dad focused. RS and I are a book in and of itself.

Happy Birthday Dad. We miss you and love you. You are my hero. I strive daily to be everything you were as a Man.