Let’s Get Real… (about myself)

The second half of 2022 and early 2023… ROUGH. Not sure rough even covers it.

Now I am a pretty real person, I am pretty honest with myself about who and what I am. Honest about what I can do, and not do. Sure I am cocky in how I speak often, but if you know me, that is more of an “act”, not a fake act, just a confident act mixed with humour. I joke about my ability good and bad. I am sort of Friends Chandler funny at times, except actually pretty confident. I am well educated, two degrees, a ton of business experience across a half dozen industries. I am pretty honest and real with myself about who I am.

A great family trip to Italy (Aug/Sept 2022), and then my father gets sick near the end of the trip. He spends six weeks in a hospital in Rome, we get him home to the US, and a week later he is in the hospital here in the States, we all agree to have him intubated, and then a few days later we make the tough decision to let him go (Oct 23rd 2022).
My World is shaken in a way I could not expect, in a way I could not comprehend.

His memorial, Nov 13th 2022, I give his eulogy. I posted it once before, the video. Hardest speaking I have ever done. God had a message for me to give in that eulogy… I was certain then it was for someone else in the room (I still am), but maybe it was not just for them?

From his eulogy:
“Judge not and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven” Luke 6:37
“I am not sure who this is for, not sure why this has weighted on me, but if you at any level, feel any sort of anger, resentment, what have you toward Tom, Dad, he would want to have known (about it) and solved it with you.
So please take this opportunity and Let It Go!
Allow him to stay in your memory and heart, as the man he was… ‘fair, even handed, stern when needed, cheer leader, teacher, boss, manager, leader, father, husband, grandfather, uncle, friend.'”

My father and I had a great relationship, no anger between us, no resentment, he was my hero day in and day out, EXCEPT I was mad. I was (am?) angry. He left us. I feel some measure of guilt as well, I made the decision to let him go (not just me, we all made the decision, but I feel a great responsibility for it, whether I should or not, I do), when I knew (believed?) there was another way.
Dont get me wrong I am not (really) second guessing Doctors, except I am.
That message God put on me, was for ME as much as someone else in the crowd.

My love related relationships have always been some measure of a mess, whose havent?
The last 22 years has been dominated by two long term relationships and two shorter ones. 10 years with HS, almost 8 years with BW, a few months with PS and the one that just ended with RS, 1.5 years.
The relationship with RS was def a candle burning at both ends. It was the hottest, and really, most significant relationship of those four. The dirty details are not needed.
Why did these fail? A lot of reasons, some not in my control, many in my control.
I am difficult to live with, especially now at 53, I am set in my ways with some basics to be sure. RS and I had a lot of disagreement about many of these things, things I see as just common sense (dishes into the dish washer, use a cutting board do not just cut straight on the counter, clean up after yourself, if you spill wipe it up), and some things I just have never seen as important (pictures on the walls, allowing the other person to feel as at home as you do by having their things mixed in as well, making agreements on what things are important to have and which ones are not). I need to have more honest/strightforward conversations about those non-negotiable items and the negotiable ones, and not just think I can roll with some of the ones I may not like, or some of the ones I believe are common sense, because sense is NOT common anymore. So another failed relationship that really could have been saved or made a lot better, maybe it would have failed anyway? But it should not have failed in the way it did, or not right now (maybe a blessing it failed now and not 5 years from now? But that is a different discussion. It was not supposed to fail when and how it did, that I know)

What does all of this lead up too?
I have work to do… This weekend (March 3rd/4th) I will launch into a 60 or 90 day plan to deep clean my house, and myself. My garage needs to desperately be organized, I have a three car garage that I cannot park a car in.
My house is pretty clean, but needs some serious attention. April I will redo the master bathroom, but simple things like the carpet cleaned, baseboards touched up. Drywall cracks fixed. Cupboards organized.
In addition, I need a Deep Cleaning.
Identify the things I need to improve on, and improve on them. Maybe learn a new skill or two. Buff up my managerial process and practices.

I need to get Real Real with myself about some things. I need to “unbecome everything that isn’t really (me), so (I) can be who (I was) meant to be
That is my journey. The next 60-90 days will all about that.
Social media will be minimized (exc to post about this and food/wine pics, one of the skills I hope to improve is the picture taking), TV shut off, outtings limited to things I have to do for work or have a commitment to, intense Bible study, intense dive into some books, Ted Talks, deep cleaning of the house and myself. I think I have 10 books right now I want to get into, some of them are daily 2-3 page inspiration things, some are read and note take, contemplate, internalize. get back to the trading desk and trade Options and Forex again.

Do I think this will make me a whole new person? No, that is not what it is meant to do. I am still Me, and will still be me. But can I round some sharp edges? Learn some things? Improve some things?
That is the goal.
Set myself up for the next 10 years of Income Earning, Peace, Joy, Health and Happiness.

Next post will be more in depth as to the plan, the goals, to hold me accountable.

Let’s get to it.

See ya 2021, Welcome 2022. Time to refocus and get Purpose Driven

2021 provided me with a lot of options and some issues. I am not one to dwell on “issues” or problems, so I really want to focus on the options and positives.
Obviously Covid was a negative for all of us… that was really the big issue, things closed, or half open, access restricted in a lot of ways.

On the positive, I left my job to make a full time go at Day Trading, went from single to not single (after a couple tries at dating different people) and got my yard at the house finished, really started to get my cooking pictures on a different level (still needs work) and just took a lot of time off to get some things straight for myself.

In 2022 I need to continue to get focused and really dial myself in.
My Goals for 2022:
Peloton three or four times a week, and days I do not use the Peloton, do some strength/conditioning work.
Core52 focus, study and get back to Church on a more regular basis.
IG story things better and more often. Spread my content around into more regular posts.
Post on this site at least weekly, but two or three times a week really. Use IG for quick posts, and promote this site through my IG posts.
Get my Garage cleaned up. Its a legit mess. I need to throw a ton of stuff away.
Day Trading focus on $2000 a week income and build my Trading Account to double its current size, and then focus on $3000 a week income.

Then I have a couple personal things that I do not need to air out and posts, relationship things.

That is my 2022 Plan. I look forward to working on it and making it happen and having an extremely successful 2022.

What are your plans and goals for the year?

40 Days of Intentional Living – Reflections on Love

Originally Read and Commented on 4.14.21

What is one way your perspective on love has shifted during your time journaling this topic?:
Vulnerability. I need to be open to God’s love and what he puts in front of me and around me. Break down walls and barriers in myself and others.

Identify an area in your life which you could apply something you learned about love:
Love of Jesus. I need to better accept it and surrender to it

Which aspect of lobe (sacrifice, vulnerability, love of Jesus, agape) are you committed to working on right now?:
Love of Jesus. PS and I are not together right now. Her move to Alabama has shaken me. I did not react well to it. I need to get right with Love, surrender some things around it and lean into God’s word.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Agape

Originally Read and Commented on 4.13.21

Romans 5:6-8
What does the never ending love of Jesus mean to you?:
It means Eternal Life. Gods love is real and be felt, if you take the time to feel it. He believes in us. He cares about us as a Father does.
Much like Love, it is our access to Eternal Life, to beating Death. To defeating the Enemy.
If used correctly it is powerful, life changing.

40 Days of Intentional Living – The Love of Jesus

Originally Read and Commented on 4.12.21

Romans 3:22-24
How did you first come to know Jesus? What was your understanding of his Love for you then? Has your understanding changed or deepened?:
So I have had discussions about this with people (Pastor, PS and others in the past). I have been told that I do not know Jesus (PS) and that was disturbing to me. I have had debates on Baptism also. I was baptized was an infant. I have been told I need to be baptized again, due to Free Will reasons (which is weird because we have had Free Will discussions that seemed to not go toward the theory of Free Will). In talking to Pastor, God baptizes, not the water or the people. This makes sense to me as I have ALWAYS believed. I did not start going to church until about 30 (29 I think actually).
PS and I discuss (and Pastor and I) surrender. I need to surrender. BUT in reflection, I have surrendered a lot already. I have clawed some of it back from God over time, as I needed it (did I though? or just not trust in God enough?).
I need to surrender a fair amount. Re-surrender some of it.
The last few months have been huge in my understanding of the Love of Jesus. They have helped me focus on what I need to do, and though I do not know How to do it, I have a direction to start with.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Vulnerability

Originally Read and Commented on 4.11/21n (missed a day)

Ecclesiasties 4:9-12
In what ways are you holding back love in your relationships (romantic, friendship, family, and so on)? What are ways you can push through and be more vulnerable?:
[[Updated 4.25 with addt info]] Today PS told me she is moving to Alabama by the end if summer. This threw me for a loop. I absolutely failed.
on 4.24 I looked back at the txt I sent to a friend (JB) about this move. PS and I discussed it, though heated and in a really confrontational situation.
I read her the txt from my exchange, and I was reminded that I utterly failed to show her the care that I displayed in the txt.
PS and I talk often about being Present in the Moment, and I am really not good at that. I need to work on it. I need to also open my heart and be Vulnerable, express myself in a heart felt way that makes a difference.
I will work on this.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Sacrificial

 Originally Read and Commented on 4.9.21

Colossians 1:20
How has Christ’s sacrifice changed your life? :
His blood enables us to believe in forgiveness and past sins. It gives us access to eternal life, power over death.
It also, when used properly gives is power over the Enemy. More properly the power to rebuke him. The Enemy holds NO power over me, because I have accepted the Blood of Christ.
I live knowing God is with me all the time.

[[4.25.21 Update]] Has an experience last night and this AM with someone I care a lot about. He was defeated and rendered powerless.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Love

Originally Read and Commented on 4.8.21

John 3:16-17
What are some ways you have seen love in action recently? What are some ways you have been love in action recently?:
I have seen love in action on many levels recently. More importantly, I have felt it. PS has shown me care and love, Pastor has shown love in our meetings.
Biblical Love is  love is trusting in our God, love is being faithful to your partner and families, and love is being kind and patient with the world around you.
I have shown love in return to PS and family. As well as co workers.
I need work on being Present in some of these situations.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Reflections on Generosity

Originally Read and Commented on 4.7.21

What is one way your perspective on generosity has shifted during your time journaling this topic?
Resources and Talent. I need to use these to give to others, and deepen my Faith and connection to the Kingdom.

Identify an area in your life in which you could apply something you learned about generosity:
Resources and Talent. As above, use these to further the Kingdom and build people up around me.

Which aspect of Generosity (tie, resources, talent, self) are you committed to working on right now:
Self. I need to work on helping others develop their talents, and I can do this by giving of myself, to help teach, train, and lead by example.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Self

Originally Read and Commented on 4.6.21

Corinthians 12:12-27
What are some ways you can be generous with yourself?:
My accountability partner and I (JD), giving of our time to help the other be accountable
At work I can do this by teaching and training, not just managing my staff, but prepare them better.
In my daily life, take my time, talent, self and give to those around me. Serve when I can.