90 Day Journey – End of Week 4

Some sayings I am adopting…
Change = Opportunity
Accountability = Happiness
Negativity can lead at halftime, Kindness always wins the game
Kindness is cool
Truth is cool

This last week I spent a lot of time studying. The main source of study was GaryVee, this guy is a straight shooter, businessman, social media expert.
Check his site https://garyvaynerchuk.com/
His attitude and insight is ridic. The last four sayings I am adopting are all via GaryVee.
I also watched some video editing stuff for iPhone.
Got a new white board to schedule things out a bit better and get some clarity around my tasks I want to complete.

I may change this post format to a vlog post in the near future, as well as my short daily updates, and some other content I have been planning. The 90 Day Plan is in full effect and working as designed.

This week was not without some drama and relationship bs. That said, it was petty and was purely out of hurt feelings, I get it. It hurts. Still hurts. Will hurt for a while.
RS is an amazing woman. She deserves all the happiness she wants and desires. I am sorry I was not able to be that person for her any longer, and that pains me. The last year and a half was some of the best times I have ever had, loving, caring, fun. She is a great person and I wish her good luck on whatever she does. I hope that we can get past the jabs, and sideways FB posts and the like and just move on.

I have been slacking a little on the reading, I am still in Before the Coffee Gets Cold, should have been done with this last week and onto the next book. Have to finish it up and get onto the next one.

Vlog and content ideas I am working on:
Bible Study
Wine of the week
Winery of the week
Food Focus
90 Day Updates – Daily and Weekly
I am hoping to start doing test runs this coming week on some of these.

Change = Opportunity
Most people are afraid of change. Stop being afraid. Change opens doors, how you choose to look at those open doors will determine the opportunity. Seemingly negative things are opportunity and can be positive, but you have to get out of your own way to see that. Change your mindset.

Accountability = Happiness
Being accountable is taking responsibility for your relationships, motivation, personal life, business life and how passionate you are about life. Its about how much you also get done.
This frees you up to really allow Happiness to surround you.
Here is GaryVee’s thoughts on it https://garyvaynerchuk.com/5-reminders-that-accountability-leads-to-happiness/

That is all for this week. Looking forward to week 5 and beyond.
