90 Day Journey – End of Week 8 and Inner Peace (John 14:27, Matt 7:7-8, Gal 5:22-23)

Week 8… Two thirds through the 90 Day’s.

Its becoming more and more clear to me that this 90 Day Journey is really just the tip the iceberg . The 90 days is to establish new habits and routines, but the vast majority of what I am doing needs to be a new lifestyle. Develop more humility, gratitude, peace, love and joy in my life.
Accountability = Happiness and Change = Opportunity.

Maybe with the “new lifestyle” I do not go as hard as I am right now, but it will need to be close to as hard else I will lose the drive to continue, maybe its backed off to 80-90% or something. 4am maybe becomes 415 or 430, 30 min Peloton rides, maybe become 20 mins, but still daily, with a 10-15 min in the AM (right now its 10-15min in AM and 20-30 min in PM). Not sure, maybe its no change and I just keep going full speed?

Peace, specifically Inner Peace is where I want to go today.
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.”

The Peace in this passage is not peace as we usually think of it – “a state or period in which there is no war or war has ended” (Dictonary.com) The Peace that Jesus is speaking of is true peace, inner peace, for the Apostles to be good with what is to come and be at peace with it, knowing that it is as designed and that God has them. Peace in this sense is a Right Relationship with God/Jesus.

Not a Believer?
OK you could use this other definition “Peace as an individual virtue or state, that is, tranquility or serenity”.
It is Inside, Inner Peace with how things are.

The last few days have been a joyous struggle. Without details, it has been a happy time, a conflict filled time, a struggle, Emotional for sure.
The last week was a roller coaster, and it still is right now today, one of those stomach in your throat, upside down, sharp drop ones (hate roller coasters as a ride now days).

I went to sleep Sunday night with a lot of internal struggle, and woke up Monday AM (today) with a calm and peace around me. Not because things worked out, in fact they are in flux and in conflict, but in the middle of that “war”, I have found Peace with it.

Grand Canyon University had a Weekly Devotional “Fruit of the Spirit – Peace” in Oct 2015 that describes Peace as such:
Peace is knowing that the Lord of the universe is by your side and resting in that.
It’s not just knowing, but it is also living it out. Peace is sitting in comfort and knowing that God is next to your side no matter what. Peace is something that you can’t attain physically because the world is almost always going to be a rocky place.


Now I do not know if this Peace I feel is truly God Inspired, or if in my head I have just come to terms with some things… or both? They are not mutually exclusive. One could easily argue that you do not come to terms with things without an assist from God, that would be my view point.

What do I do with this gift of Peace? I give Thanks for it. I show Gratitude when and where I can. I continue to pray on it and hope that His path for it is revealed and that I continue to walk along it. If possible, I share it with others (like with this blog post).

Life is a battle at times, maybe at all times. Take the Peace when you find it, cherish it, pray about it, meditate on it, do whatever fits with you to walk with the Peace and continue to feed it. as much as possible.
I hope that you find Inner Peace, if you do SHARE IT in the comments here, or on whatever platform you found this post on.
We all deserve some Peace. Ask for it!
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Thank You to everyone who reads these posts and engages with my daily updates out on the social platforms. I hope you find some sort of value in them, even if its just entertainment at my journey and struggles. You are appreciated!


90 Day Journey – End of Week 6

Essentially the half way point on my 90 Day Journey to a better me. Over all so far so good. I am accomplishing the things I wanted to get done for myself, not all of them as even as I wanted, but with a little give and take, I am getting it done.

Lets reflect for a few minutes on the Why and What/How of the program I put together.

Why do this 90 Day Journey?
First and foremost for myself. I have things I want and need to work on to make future relationships successful. To also set myself up for some business successes in 2024 and 2025.
Also though, I would be lying if I did not say in part due to a break up. RS and I had an amazing relationship over all. But we hit some snags along the way, and I feel we both allowed some resentment to set in, and never cleared the air. Maybe I will just speak for myself though on this.
I allowed some resentment to set in and hang out. I should have been able to flush it and move on, but when I would try and “solve” the issue, I felt as though it was resisted, or that no headway could be made. So I held on to it, instead of finding a better/different way to process it out.
I am definitely someone who “wants answers”, I do not like unsolved things, so I held onto the arguments, the issues, in hopes a solution would present itself, in hopes I could solve the issue and then it would be done and gone, and we could avoid making that mistake again in the future.
I did not get that solution or answer, often, so instead of really making a decision as to if that Thing needed to be answered, or if I was just being a dick about it by holding on to it, I chose to hold on to some of them and allowed them to grind me down.
End of the day most of the issues we had, IMO, were pretty minor, at times a lot of small things (which can add up to a large thing), but individually likely not worth fighting or holding on to, when I am more than capable of flushing them and moving on. I did not do that though. I held many of them, wanting answers, wanting to solve them, where there maybe was no real solution other than flush it and move on.
The couple of items that needed to be discussed, Ok, we needed to discuss them, but they were clouded and junked up by the small things around them, creating too much chaos to handle as a group. I needed to prioritize them and find better ways to discuss the items/issues that had to be handled and let the small stuff go.
WAY longer explanation for the RS part of “Why do the 90 Days” than I thought it would be.

How and What am I doing in this 90 Days?
What is working and what is not working? How is the progress?
A self designed program, much of which was lifted from other programs I have looked into, but with my 0wn spin and reading list.
It involves a lot of working out, Peloton, weights, stretching. Things I need to do to get into better shape, stay in shape. My fathers passing shook me. While he was not in some great physical shape, 82 is not “old”, and based on what took him from us… nah not letting that happen to me, not that way.
I have always been in decent shape, but now I want good or great, Decent will not cut it.
Change in diet is also a big part of this. I have cut alcohol consumption by 50-60%. A lot more fruit and veggies, salads are a regular part of the diet also now. Gone from 2 or 3 energy drinks per day to 1 or 2 (2 is rare over the last 6 weeks). Smaller portions than previously as well.
Reading and Study is a cornerstone of this. Really likely the biggest part of this program, and unfortunately the part I am running behind on.
Bible study, daily affirmations, Church, 30ish pages a day in a selection of books that I want to get through that are all leadership, self help, sorts of books. Prayer a couple times per day as well. Studying some new skills, and advancing ones I already have. Working on video editing, need to get back to trading strategies and placing trades in Forex and SPY Options, social media marketing tools.
Progress so far is good. I hoped I would be a bit further along in some progress markers, but over all Good.
I am still weighing in at 198-203 on a daily basis. But the small bit of gut is a little smaller, chest is more defined, arms more defined. Legs are pretty cut I feel (all that Peloton…) Book not as far I wanted, will catch that up in Weeks 7 and 8. Study is a bit haphazard. I start working on a subject and find something I feel I need to bump a head, and then go down a rabbit hole or two, and finally get back on course.
I am working on two relationship programs right now as well the video editing.

Goals from this 90 Day Program?
Better shape. Better mental health, learn to deal with the small relationship stuff better, also learn to deal with the big relationship stuff better (more productively), add $40,000 to my income this year from other sources (side hustles as the kids like to call it). Round some corners, sharpen some edges in places that I need to be softer in, or need to just make a core value and non-negotiable. Step into the leadership role that I already have in daily life and work life, but really step into it and own it. I am so much better than I allow myself to be on a daily basis.
Cultivate a TRUE Positive Mindset. Gratitude, Thanks, Peace.
Change = Opportunity
Accountability = Happiness

The vast majority of this 90 Day Plan will persist well beyond the 90 Days. The 90 Days is to form the habits, the other 270ish days in the year are to make those habits real and gain from them. Move life forward, make some shit happen!


90 Day Journey – End of Week 5 (and Easter)

He Is Risen.
He is Risen Indeed!

Happy Easter to everyone.

Week 5…
Finally finished “Before the Coffee Get Cold”, literally took me until the last couple pages to “get it” The story and style was just not working for me, then the last few pages and WHAM!
If you have not read the book, its worth the read, but seriously it took me almost 3 weeks to read it, because it just was not clicking for me. So I am about a book and a half behind where I wanted to be right now, so a lot of reading coming in the 6th week.
Lessons from the book? I need to digest it for a couple days I think, but it has me sort of reeling, but I think maybe I am allowing it to pull me in the wrong direction.
The book is essentially about time travel, with a lot of rules, to go speak too, or see, something in your past and have that final conversation, even though it will not/cannot change the future. At the end of the book, it is about travelling to the future, to see what happens, or see that someone, have a convo you cannot have. Anyway the last few pages hit me like a brick.

On to “Being Happy” a favourite of mine that I have read a couple times. I need this book. After that is “Marriage Rules” a book RS and I started and neither of us finished, nor put things into practice. Not staying with this book def hurt us, or maybe did not help us is all, either way I believe it would have made a difference. It is also a book I need to dig into.
Those are my next two books.

I started to dive into the video editing and shooting classes the last couple days. Also into content creation ideas (posted about that last time I believe). I am thinking I may start an all new IG and Snap for this, may also have to dive into TikTok. May also get an all new phone to use for content creation, dedicated to just that. The reasoning and such is way more than I want to post about likely. But I have a method to the madness.

So I broke the news on a daily update post, but I have been sponsored by EPN Supplements https://ep-nutrition.com/
So please check them out. Discount code is CANDERSON for 10% off. Their products are great. They taste good, not chalky, they mix well, dissolve. They are the first products of this nature that I can see myself actually using long term. I had the Weight Loss Stack sent to me.

I have to put the 7 Days lessons into practice still. Also get back to listing to the hypno CD nightly. Its all about Positive Mental Attitude. I feel so much better when I start and end the day with positive things.
Positive In, Positive Out. Garbage In, Garbage Out.
Its why I try and do the daily morning post about the start of the day. Its why I am blogging the weekly things.
It is HUGE to me that anyone cares when I post these things, but quite a few of you, even if you just click the heart and do not read it (but I assume most of you do read it), it means a LOT to me that you even take 10 seconds to look at what I post and let me know.
So THANK YOU for the support.

Change = Opportunity
Accountability = Happiness
Gratitude and Peace are what I am seeking in my personal life, and I am seeing glimpses of them.

Physically, I am moving weight around on my body. Nothing dramatic yet, but I see the change, others probably do but cannot pinpoint it. I think my entire presence is changed a little, so that is probably what people are seeing.

If you have not checked out GaryVee https://garyvaynerchuk.com/ DO SO! This guy is ridic. Smart, business minded, funny, straight shooter, positive positive positive. Inspirational is an understatement. Check him out and if you somehow do not find him to be an inspiration, then listen to him a second time.

Onto week 6…
