90 Day Journey – End of Week 3

This post is a few days late due to Dad’s birthday and some back and forth travel to Ellensburg to help Mom.

Over all the week was great. Things that I have taken note of in this weeks work outs and eating and reading.

Alcohol – my consumption is down these last few weeks by about 60% What use to be a bottle of wine per night, is a bottle every 2-3 days instead. While I miss my wine, this should make a HUGE difference in my weight loss/getting in shape. The average bottle of red wine is about 625 calories. So what use to be about 4400 calories a week in wine, is now closer to 1800, so about 43% +/- Also I have not been doing my usual 3 out of 4 Saturdays of wine tasting, which likely added another bottle worth (though I will be returning to the wineries shortly for tastings)

Fruit and Veggies – eating a lot more of these, so some good fiber and nutrients from them is def helping me in a lot of ways.

Smaller portions – I am finding that with the increase of fruit and veg, a lot less meat in single sittings, less every thing else. So maybe the “weight” of stuff I am eating has not changed a lot, the “what I am eating” has.

As for the Quote at the top of the post. The hardest part is letting go, realizing that, understanding that there is no going back as long as only one of us wants too. Not that we could Go Back to what it was anyway. It would need to evolve and change, what we left was not working. It would need to be something new, built on the ashes of the past, with a new approach, new understanding.

Before the Coffee Gets Cold is the book I am in, and I sort of do not get it. That said, I feel I should get it, as it really sort of directly relates to my relationship situation I think… I will finish it this week (Week 4), then its on to Being Happy, a short book I have read before, but need again right now. That will take only a few days. Then I finish Marriage Rules (likely Week 6s read).

I also need to implement the tools in Change Your Life in 7 Days. Have to work on that.

Next week I will have a Sponsorship Announcement, and some product discounts. Exciting! I have not been sponsored for anything in a long time! So excited to return to the promotions realm.

Thank you all to those that read these ramblings and follow my journey.


90 Day Journey – One Week In

One week into this and feeling GREAT about it.
Struggles? YES…getting up at 4am is difficult. On Friday I almost did not get up, laid in bed 10 minutes debating changing that days work out to after work, so doubling up on afternoon work outs. A little self talk and I was up and at it.

Change Your Life in 7 Days by Paul McKenna was a great way to start this journey. I have had the book for 10ish years and started it once. It comes with a hypnosis CD you listen too, has practical lessons using imagination and coupling that with a thumb to middle finger pinch (sort of Pavlov’s Dog like training). Need a positive boost thumb to middle finger pressure, triggers the memory you associated with it and Boom a little burst of positive thought process.

I am about halfway through Matthew in the New Testament, I need to do some posting about that on its own.

I added a work out routine, not sure how I feel about it yet “Muscle Booster” has an app, and a small feel for a “customized” work out based on some metrics that it counts on your knowing what you put in. 7 Minutes in the morning, then a Strength based routing in afternoons. Only two days into that, so we will see how that goes. Peloton is my main source of work, with all the classes they have.

Have cut alcohol dramatically. Did not drink last week Saturday (4th) to Friday (10th). Had a glass of wine Friday (10th), and then Saturday (11th) had Taste of Washington, so a lot of wine. Nothing Sunday.
Verses recently pretty close to a bottle of wine a day… so a 75 to 80% cut in alcohol consumption this last week. I will likely return to something pretty close to daily this week or next, but def will not be returning to a bottle a night.

Massive progress on the garage clean up. Will need a dump run next weekend for sure. A LOT of paper getting tossed. Notebooks and papers from as long ago as Highschool (so 1988…) and college. Will sort the books also and unload a ton of them.
Also have a lot of GameClucks/Northwest Majors equipment to get rid of as well.

Next book up is Before The Coffer Gets Cold. I wanted to get Being Happy in the mix, but cannot find my copies right now, will find them as I clean the garage.