40 Days of Intentional Living – Self

Originally Read and Commented on 4.6.21

Corinthians 12:12-27
What are some ways you can be generous with yourself?:
My accountability partner and I (JD), giving of our time to help the other be accountable
At work I can do this by teaching and training, not just managing my staff, but prepare them better.
In my daily life, take my time, talent, self and give to those around me. Serve when I can.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Talent

Originally Read and Commented on 4.5.21

Romans 12:6-8
How can you cultivate your talents and passions toward God’s calling for you?:
The reading for this section teaches that Christ followers need/have three traits: Generous, Diligent, Cheerful
Generously comes from a Greek word that means Happiness. Going the extra mile and beyond the call of duty.
Cheerfully comes from a word that means Whistle While You Work. Bringing your A Game Attitude.
Diligently comes from the Greek for Spoude, it is having an eye for excellence. Showing care for the things that we do. Delighting in what we do.

For me, I have Talent on top of Talent, on top of Talent. What I lack is a proper measure of Passion. I need to develop my Passion and then use it with my Talent to push the Kingdom forward.
PS and I discuss this often. It is a topic with my Pastor also.
This is a work in progress for me.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Resources

Originally Read and Commented on 4.4.21

2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Write down thoughts about how you can practice giving away the resources in your own life:
Tithing and donating to charity.
In the past when I tithed, I found that my money went further. Was that from me just paying more attention to it or because the process and faith of tithing made it go further?
The faith and trust in God it takes to tithe properly and dedicate to it, is powerful.
You can also give of your time and knowledge. I am actively working on ways to do that – one of those is this blog. I hope that will give others some inspiration to take a step with Faith.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Time

Originally Read and Commented on 4.3.21

Romans 12:9-13
Reflect on a time that someone showed you love by taking time for you:
Dozens of examples of late. PS is the most often/common right now at this time. We spend hours a day in txt and phone.
My twice a month meetings with my Pastor is another example. The care in my spiritual life and personal life is a form of love.
My Love Languages are Quality Time and Physical Touch.
Quality Time means so much to me.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Generosity

Originally Read and Commented on 4.2.21

John 6:1-13
When has someone’s generosity impacted you more than they knew?
I got a Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich. I was in Haggens in Snohomish, on the way to help my friend JVC bottle some wine. I knew that PS had gone to Popeyes, it is one of her guilty pleasures, and she had told me she bought 2 sandwiches for herself and was not sure why.
Anyway so I see her in the Haggens parking lot, and we stop and talk, I get in her car for a couple mins and she presents me the sandwich. It was not planned, it was spur of the moment, it was accidental we were both even at Haggens.
I told her how much it meant to me, but meant far more than I could say at the time.
Now does a Popeyes Chicken Sandwich really qualify as “Generosity”?
Biblical Hospitality means “Love of Strangers”. It is also about “Service to Others”. It is about serving to make someone feel valued and treasured.
PS clearly served me, cared about me, gave to me.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Reflections on Rest

Originally Read and Commented on 4.1.21

What is one way your perception on Rest has shifted during your time journaling this topic?:
I realized the importance of Presence and Silence. I need to practice both.
Silence during prayer and Presence in my relationships, especially one on one.

Identify an area in your life in which you could apply something you learned about Rest:
Presence is something I need to practice right now. I need to be more Present in personal relationships. PS stresses this to me all the time. I need to work on this.

What aspect of Rest (silence, solitude, presence, peace)are you committed to working on right now?:
Presence is what I need to work on right now.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Solitude

Originally Read and Commented on 3.29.21

Luke 6:12
Whether you enjoy alone time or tend to avoid it at all costs, try sitting in a quiet space without distraction and jotting down the thoughts that come to your mind:
I enjoy alone time. Especially since starting my Prayer Journal. So I spend 10-15 mins after praying in silence and solitude.
Thoughts are in my Journal. They do not all need to be put here.

My prayer time has ended up being at 7pm in the evening 5 or 6 days a week.
I would like to slowly transition to 530am or 6am (7am on Weekends), but I need to rework some sleep schedule and create a new habit.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Silence

Originally Read and Commented on 3.27.21

Psalm 62:5
Write about things in which you want to hear from God. After you do take time to be silent as you wait for Him to answer:
My Path – where do you want me?
Next steps in my journey
Mission Trips
How can I best work for/influence the Kingdom
How to open my Heart, develop the Heart of David
How to Surrender
How to make personal relationships better/more productive/my in sync

These are things I pray for daily and journal. Answers are personal, but I am sure I will write about some of them as time goes on.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Rest

Originally Read and Commented on 3.27.21

Matthew 3:13-17
Journal on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you and prey through anything God may be teaching you through the passage. Rest in silence as the truth that Jesus’ work is finishing and that God is rejoicing over you:
In my meeting with my Pastor, we discussed setting up a prayer schedule, pray and read scripture at the same time of day, make a habit of it.
Along with that I started a Prayer Journal, so that I can document what I prayed for, and then sit in silence for 5-15 mins after and Listen, if something comes ot me journal it also, so that I can then reflect and pray on it if needed the next day or later that week.
I also have started an Accountability Group with JD, who Pastor and I met with.

As I prayed about this passage, it is a reminder that I need to surrender things, start with small things. Frustration at traffic maybe? (prob a bad one for me to start with, it is a big frustration). Small things. Surrender those. Then work up to medium things, Then to large things. Die to Self as I do these. Each thing I surrender is an opportunity to Die to Self.

40 Days of Intentional Living – Reflection on Surrender

Originally Read and Commented on 3.26.21

What is one way that your perspective on surrender has shifted during your time journaling on this topic?:
I need to surrender. I met w Pastor about this topic specifically. We will meet every other week as I work through this. I also started on the path with an Accountability partner. I wish to use PS as this as well, a double check.
As I work on surrender this will be critical to it.

[[4.14 Update]] With PS and I not together, I will lean more on my Acct Partner and God. OS was important to me as a double check and a barometer on this.

Identify an area of your life in which you could apply something you learned about surrender:
My daily life, I need to pray about surrender. I need to look at interactions with people, see what is there, and then work on those interactions and connections.

Which aspect of surrender (fasting, denial, selfishness, resurrection) are you committed to working on right now?:
Denial and Selflessness. Focus on Gods plan , not my plan. Pray intently about this.